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Liposuction Specialist

Warner Wellness Institute

Christopher A. Warner, MD, FACOG

Board Certified OBGYN & Cosmetic Gynecologist located in Medstar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC

If you lead a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and plenty of exercise but are troubled by stubborn areas of fat, liposuction can give you the shape you’ve been seeking. Christopher A. Warner, MD, of Warner Wellness Institute in Washington, DC, offers liposuction as well as noninvasive WarmSculpting™ treatments by SculpSureⓇ. Both options permanently reduce fat cells to help refine the shape of your body. Schedule a consultation online or over the phone to learn more.

Liposuction Q & A

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that uses powerful suction to remove fat deposits. This treatment creates visible definition and contouring in stubborn areas that don’t respond to diet and exercise regimens. 

Which areas can be treated with liposuction?

Dr. Warner safely performs liposuction in different areas of the body. The most common locations treated with liposuction include:

  • Abdomen
  • Waist
  • Buttocks 
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Bra line
  • Upper arms
  • Chin and neck 

You may choose to have one area treated or a combination of areas to enhance your silhouette and boost your confidence in your appearance.

What should I expect during my procedure?

Dr. Warner begins by administering a local anesthetic to make you comfortable during your procedure. Next, he makes a small incision in the targeted area and inserts a narrow tube, or cannula, under your skin. 

He vacuums the targeted fat cells through this tube. Dr. Warner uses a number of safe, effective techniques including laser-assisted lipoplasty and power-assisted liposuction.

What will my recovery be like?

Your recovery time depends on the area being treated and how much fat is removed. You should expect at least a few days of rest following your liposuction procedure. 

Prescription pain medication helps keep you comfortable for the first 24-48 hours, and Dr. Warner provides detailed post-surgical care instructions to help you heal completely and prevent complications. Following these instructions can make a world of difference in your recovery timeline.

You’ll need to wear a compression garment for up to two weeks after liposuction. In about four to six weeks, you’ll gradually resume normal activities and exercise. 

Is there a non-surgical option for fat removal?

For women who want fat reduction without surgery, WarmSculpting™ treatments by SculpSureⓇ is a great option. Treatments use carefully controlled heat to damage the structural integrity of targeted fat cells, rendering them incapable of storing fat. WarmSculpting treatments are suitable for the same areas as surgical liposuction. 

At the beginning of the procedure, you feel a cooling sensation before the heating sequence begins. The heating and cooling sensations cycle intermittently to keep you comfortable. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they’re gone for good, reducing the volume of fat in the treated areas. 

WarmSculpting treatments don’t require any incisions. Because the treatment is light-based, the surface of your skin isn’t damaged, and there’s no need for any form of anesthesia.  

WarmSculpting treatments usually take around 25 minutes. There’s no need for advance preparation or recovery time. You can return to your normal daily activities with little to no downtime.   

To learn more about liposuction and WarmSculpting treatments, call Warner Wellness Institute to schedule a consultation, or try the easy online booking tool.