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PCOS Specialist

Warner Wellness Institute

Christopher A. Warner, MD, FACOG

Board Certified OBGYN & Cosmetic Gynecologist located in Medstar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects as many as 26% of women between the ages of 15-44, although many are never properly diagnosed. For those in and around Washington, DC, Christopher A. Warner, MD, offers outstanding diagnostic and treatment services through his plant-based obstetrics and gynecology practice, Warner Wellness Institute. If you’re troubled by unusual symptoms, call the office today to book a visit, or spend a few moments on the online scheduling page.


What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a type of hormonal disorder that affects women during their childbearing years. It’s a condition that is relatively common, yet is also commonly misdiagnosed. 

All women produce numerous reproductive hormones. Estrogen and progesterone work to regulate your menstrual cycle. Women also produce small amounts of androgens — hormones like testosterone that are often thought of as “male” hormones. 

If your body creates too many androgens, you may develop polycystic ovary syndrome. The condition can cause you to experience a range of uncomfortable and disruptive symptoms.  

How do I know if I have PCOS?

One of the reasons PCOS is so challenging to diagnose is the fact that the symptoms are not always clearly connected. Many can indicate various other conditions, and there is no clear diagnostic test that will detect polycystic ovary syndrome. 

Some of the symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Irregular periods
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Acne
  • Unusual hair growth on body or face
  • Hair loss on the scalp
  • Headaches
  • Unusual darkening of the skin in body creases

Some women with PCOS develop tiny cysts inside the ovaries. Not everyone with PCOS, however, will experience these cysts. 

What causes PCOS?

Researchers are not certain of the exact cause of PCOS but believe a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors are to blame. If you have a close female relative who experienced PCOS, you have a higher risk of encountering the condition yourself. 

There is also a clear link between women with insulin resistance and PCOS. Obesity is also a known risk factor. High levels of inflammation within the body can increase your risk of PCOS, and being overweight often leads to problems with inflammation. 

What kinds of treatments can help with PCOS?

Dr. Warner begins by performing a thorough diagnostic exam to rule out other potential causes for your symptoms. If he determines you are struggling with PCOS, he will consult with you to decide on a plan of action. 

Managing hormonal imbalances with hormonal birth control is a common approach. However, Dr. Warner is passionate about the role that lifestyle modifications and natural healing can play in treating PCOS. 

Dr. Warner can help you embrace a healthier diet and exercise plan to manage your weight. For some, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is enough to eliminate all symptoms of PCOS. 

During your visit, you’ll discuss all available treatment options and get the professional guidance you need to make an informed decision about your care. Begin today by booking your personalized appointment online or over the phone.